History Of Wildlife Conservation In The USA And Canada

Canada and the United States are well-known as being the leaders in wildlife conservation around the globe. Canadian Wildlife Service is one example of a governmental association in Canada. Some NGOs, such as Nature Canada, WWF Canada, and Canadian Wildlife Federation are recognized at the national level. They play a major role in government conservation agencies. There are many governmental scientific institutes in the USA for law, research, and association. Non-governmental organizations, such as the sportsman clubs are also available. They both work together to conserve wildlife worldwide. This investigation will examine the historical aspects of wildlife conservation from the time it was established in Europe to the current situation in the US and Canada. Their history of wildlife conservation can be used as a guide for other countries and areas that are currently developing their systems. Similar situations were faced by Canada and the USA, and they both solved them in similar ways. First, the government tried to protect wildlife. Non-government organizations were created to help them. They finally founded international organizations like the WWF to lead worldwide wildlife conservation.

Native Americans shared their wild animals with the Americans before the US started wildlife conservation. Native Americans such Sioux (and Arapaho) hunted mostly small mammals and a few large animals. While they did gather nuts, fruits and berries, the majority were cultivators. There were 3-5 million Native Americans living around the US in that area. Because of a lack antibodies, many diseases that originated from Europe caused the decline in wildlife populations. In history class, we also learned that many indigenous people had to move like a trail of teardrops. This forced many indigenous people to abandon their knowledge about the wildlife and habitat of each area. Some ecosystems were even destroyed. The US faced many challenges after Europeans arrived, including market hunting, furbearers and diseases. The Hudson’s Bay Company was principally responsible for exploiting furbearers across Canada and the northeast. The Russian-American Fur Company captured seals and sea-otters in the Pacific Northwest. Steller’s sea-cow was decimated by 1768. South Carolina exported 160,000 deer skins to England in 1748. The American Fur Company also shipped 43,000 buffalo hides in 1833. Buffalo meat was used in the construction of railroads to west. Due to this, the buffalo population experienced a substantial decline by mid-1840s. Europeans first blamed wildlife’s predators for the decline in wildlife population. After European settlement, Canada saw a significant change in the wildlife situation. Europeans had a negative impact on Wapiti, Great Auk, and Bison. Wapiti, the second-largest deer, is also known. Wapities weren’t a popular species in fossil records before 1492. Their population grew rapidly after a time due to the depreciation in indigenous populations caused by Eurasian diseases, genocide, and other factors. Their maximum geographical range was reached before 1800. They were extinct from their eastern ranges in 1835. This was due to hunting. They were also extinct before 1913 in Alberta, but were reintroduced by Yellowstone National Park back in 1917. The great auk, a flightless and large species of auk, is also extinct. Human activities have decimated the great-auk. Because they are flightless, colonial birds during breeding season, hunting them was simple. They were hunted heavily for food, bait and feathers. In 1844, Eldey Rock was the location of the last known breeding pair. The European invasion in North America caused the final depopulation. Canada’s population declined due to the loss of meat from the Hudson’s Bay Company’s fur traders and the North West Company’s fur traders. Their depopulation was caused by several significant developments resulting from North America’s slaughter. The second industrial revolution was 1870-1914. It saw the creation of a new hide-tanning technique in Britain, Germany and elsewhere. This created a demand for leather cow hides. New rifles allowed hunters to easily kill large numbers bison. Bison were the continent’s most beloved large mammal. There were 30 million plains bison before their depopulation. But, only 116 wild prairie bison remained in North America when North America was slaughtered in the middle of the 1880s. This means nearly all of today’s plains bison are descendants these 116 wild bison. Plains bison had been extincted in Canada by 1888.

In 1646, Portsmouth, Rhode Island, was the first to take wildlife conservation into the United States. It enacted the first close season on deer hunting. The deer had not recovered from their depopulation. To promote ethical hunting, clubs of sportsmen were created. In 1832, Carroll’s Island Club was established as the first American sportsman’s group. It was dedicated to waterfowl hunting. There were eventually many local clubs formed by sportsmen. Game laws were also created to protect wildlife. Some states also made it illegal to hunt after dark and banned trapping and dogs. Many other conservation and hunting organizations were created during the 1870s. These groups demanded stricter laws to prevent market hunting and the millinery trading, and ban unprofessional sport hunting. Canada’s first wildlife conservation initiative was established in 1867 with the Constitution Act. This act was created to protect and develop wildlife conservation. It was used to merge three colonies, Canada, Nova Scotia, Ontario and New Brunswick, into one federal state. The parliamentary system is based on Britain. This Act shows how the powers are divided between the central and provincial parliaments.

The 1900s saw the rise of wildlife conservation in both the US & Canada. Wildlife conservation has been a focus of many US presidents. Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth US president, signed in 1862 the Land Grant Act. This act was designed to educate the youth about the environment and establish technical and agricultural colleges across the US. Theodore Roosevelt, the US’s most active president for wildlife conservation, was a notable figure in US history. Roosevelt founded the Agriculture Department’s Division of Economic Ornithology and Mammalogy. The Bureau of Biological Survey was created and worked to survey the biota. The Lacey Act gave it additional powers. The first national wildlife conservation legislation was the Lacy Game and Wild Birds Preservation and Destruction Act, which was passed in 1900. It prohibited wild game from being transported across state borders in order to protect illegally taken animals. The law also prohibited the importation or illegal capture of exotic species. Franklin Roosevelt was also a champion for wildlife conservation. To solve the problem of unemployment during the Great Depression, Civilian Conservation Corps was created. The CCC employed many farmers and factory workers, and helped develop vast waterfowl breeding areas. He also established in 1934 the Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit Program. To protect threatened and endangered species and their habitats, the Endangered and Specialized Species Act (ESA), was established in 1973.

Canada saw wildlife conservation grow in popularity during the 1900s. In 1887, Last Mountain Lake was established as the first bird sanctuary. Today, there are 98 migratory birdsanctuaries. Migratory Birds Convention of 1916 and Canada Migratory Birds Convention Act of 1917 were created to implement this Convention. Environment Canada’s Canadian Wildlife Service is its directorate. CWS’s main focus is on three things: habitat, endangered and migratory species, as well as habitat. Canada Wildlife Act, Species at Risk Act and Migratory Birds Convention Act are all governed by the CWS. Canada also has many non-governmental associations. Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF), which was established in 1961, aims to increase awareness of Canada’s wildlife and preserve it for future generations. CWF is home to over 500 000 supporters and members from Canada. There are also affiliates in all Canadian provinces and territories. Nature Canada was established to protect Canada’s wildlife habitats. This association was established to influence people about important issues like bird conservation, wilderness protection, endangered species, and other environmental concerns.

International wildlife protection finally began around 1970. Canada and the USA played major roles in these international conventions. In 1973, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora was established to regulate trade in wild animals and plants. It is especially important for endangered species that are under threat from international trade. In 1992, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was established to preserve biological diversity, sustainably use biological diversity and reap the benefits of using genetic resources. World Wildlife Fund for Nature is another well-known organization. The largest independent conservation organization worldwide. WWF Canada was founded in 1967 and has worked with the government, businesses, and the general public to save our natural environment. The history of wildlife conservation in Canada and the United States is very similar. Both countries have experienced similar situations. Both European settlements and industrialization have led to conservation. Europeans thought natural resources were infinite and used them for both food and military purposes. Many people became interested in wildlife conservation after the depopulation of wildlife. They began with small groups and grew them into international organizations.

Timelines differ between Canada and the US. Canada starts much earlier and the US follows. Many acts and associations can be correlated to important historical events. We learned this in history class. Civilian Conservation Corps is an example of such a program. It was set up to reduce unemployment in the Great Depression. But, it also developed waterfowl breeding sites and played a key role in wildlife preservation. History’s most famous figures, including President Lincoln, President Theodore Roosevelt or President Franklin Roosevelt, have played major roles in the history of conservation. They spread the message about wildlife conservation by creating many scientific research institutes and educating people, particularly young ones, about it. Canada and America are recognized as having succeeded in wildlife preservation through a good mix of non-governmental organizations, government acts and continued efforts to preserve the environment.


  • memphisgarrett

    Memphis Garrett is an education blogger who writes about ways to help students excel in school and have fun while doing it. He has a degree in English from the University of Memphis and is currently pursuing his masters in education from Southern Methodist University.