The Legacy Of Mao Zedong In China

Mao, who lived between 1893 and 1976, had a significant influence on the rise of the Communist Party to power, as well as the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Mao led China’s economic, social, as well as political reforms. These reforms were motivated by removing China’s people from poverty, exploitation, and hunger. Mao was instrumental to the destruction of all capitalist institutions that led to the creation of a socialist China. However, Mao’s reputation suffered from the chaos and devastation that was caused by China’s ultra-radical Cultural Revolution. In order to help readers understand the history of China and its neighbouring nations, it is important to grasp the legacy left by Mao. His achievements in freedom for the ancient Chinese people are a part of Mao’s legacy (Waldron and 2000).

The subsequent generations have recognized Mao’s influence as a major factor in shaping the country’s history. Mao is remembered in many ways today in China. The legacy of Mao includes his democratic principles and his processes. China’s modern China still honors Mao today. China receives millions of visitors each year because they show respect for the Mao figure. An enormous number of people visit the birthplace, which is located in Shaosha, Hunan’s province. At the Tiananmen Plaza in Beijing, there is a special mausoleum which houses Mao’s embalmed corpus. Another sign of China’s reverence for Mao is his hanging portrait at Tiananmen. This is where Mao announced the founding of the communist state in 1949. In China, every currency value is marked with the Mao face (Schwartz Isadore & Mao), 1951.

All symbols that show respect for Mao in China’s past leader are a reminder of the fact that Mao is an indispensable figure in state affairs today. In modern China, which is increasingly industrialized and capitalistic, the figure is still highly revered. Despite its deviation from the ideals of a major socialist nation, the modern China still respects the leader.

Mao made it a military state by achieving China’s unification. Chiang Kai-Shek was the pro-independence government that united the fragmented China. Mao defeated war specialists and demonstrated his leadership abilities in the remote western regions. The state grew due to Mao’s influence and eventually absorbed British colonies and Portuguese. China began to assert its entire South Sea. This was due to Mau’s efforts. Although this has caused conflict with China’s southern neighbors it is not surprising that Mau’s movement captured territory currently held by China (Schwartz Isadore & Mao 1951).

Mao was a key advocate for strict Communist Party control of all aspects of life. Mao was firm in his belief in political power, even though his dictatorial past views were part of it. In order to preserve his grip on political power, many demonstrations took place in Beijing. They were organized to support democracy in China and prevent harassment and persecution. Many activists currently working in China to protect human rights are preserving the legacy of Mao. The history of Mao’s leadership has been a constant theme of activists (Schwartz Isadore & Mao – 1951).

Mao established a strong military system in China. China has continued to see the power of the military and the people’s liberty army as the mainstay of its political system. This has helped ensure a stable government for the leaders. Despite being called to shift attention to the government, People’s Liberation Army kept the concept of power.

While the People’s Liberation Army retains monopoly, it is also a rising star in international and local armed forces affairs. The Party’s Liberation Army is home to millions of soldiers and is the leading armed force body in the world. There are methods to reduce the PLA’s membership by 300,000. There are strategies to shrink the PLA’s membership by 300,000. The military budget is second in size worldwide, which has allowed it to become a technologically-savvy force. Since 1979, there has been no military engagement. This is Mao’s legacy.

Mao is also well-known for his weaknesses in systematic decision making. It is evident that Mao’s life was not easy. Mao suffered frustrations during his lifetime that were not easily redressed by security systems. Mao unleashed nationalism which could make it difficult for the Chinese government take certain positions in implementing its goals. China is currently experiencing economic tensions as a result of systematic weaknesses (Raskin and 2009).

Mao was a positive contributor to China’s independence from Japan and the desolation of the different governments. Mao’s views on the socialist party goal of forming a radical countrywide front are a testament to his legacy. His views stated that different groups in China needed to unify and regain their territory. Mao’s influence was vital in determining China’s future. In uniting China’s people, his legacy was based on nationalism in order to establish a communist struggle. The communist movement was against Japan’s army and people (Tse-Tung & Mao, 1961).

Mao’s views on freedom and the people are the reason for the strong respect that the people have for leaders. Mao’s legacy lives on in the hearts of those who suffered the Japanese’s subjugation. Older people can distinguish the freedom Mao gave China by rebelling. Many people disagree that Mao was restricted by his financial policies. In China’s past, the leader of China is known for fighting class war against the capitalist system. Mao said that the capitalist systems were used to divide the population into socio-economic categories. Mao, who had seized power from wealthy businessmen, stressed his support for waged workers during his reign (Zagoria & Schram 1984).

Mao is also considered a hero for keeping in touch with the people during the great leap forward. He believed that economic growth could be accelerated by the collective, selfless interest of the people. Although it may be disputed that he gave up his classless views in favor of control and wished to ensure better working conditions for the people, it is clear that Mao had an impact on the spending decisions of government officials, especially in heavy industries (Zedong (2013)).

Mao won political power through his economic control. Mao’s legacy for economic improvement can be summarized as placing all enterprises under state control. Prior to his move, both commercial and private business were banned. This resulted in unfair business practices across China. It was Mao’s legacy which led the government to invest in huge production by the waged workers in the heavy industries. Mao formulated plans that could be used by the government to support the industry. Poor weather conditions forced the government to abandon its plans to increase agricultural output. Economic experts used the unrealistic expectations of Mao to relay plans for China’s growing population (Cheek Knight Zedong & Thompson 1991).

China’s modern economy is experiencing a split as the younger generations differ from the older. China’s current government has abandoned Mao’s economic plan and changed its policy regarding exportation. As citizens have the ability to spend more on their own consumer goods, the new system has brought them prosperity.

Young people will always remember Mao’s legacy. Younger people see free enterprise as more important in allowing individual freedom. Contrary to popular belief, Mao-skilled old men who know the politics of Mao realize that workers today are not eligible for certain benefits from the past, which was made possible by Mao’s leadership (Keith & Schram, 1985).

The old system forbid workers from being involved in the payments of pension and medical funds. Workers also had job security because they couldn’t be fired. Analyzing the various systems shows that Mao’s democratic system of ruling provided job protection and a secure future. The economic plan for modern China is uncertain because workers don’t know what their future holds.

Mao’s controversial views regarding freedom for the Chinese people are well-known. Younger Chinese are aspiring to the same system as the West, but they have a different goal. Mao’s reign in China is a time that many older people remember fondly. Mao opposed a society that allowed freedoms to coincide with capitalism. His legacy, which favored the entire community and moved on to a united society with greater wealth, is illustrated in the error of today’s capitalistic nation (Dittmer – 1980).

Today, the Chinese government recognizes that Mao left a legacy and has implemented some of his ideas. Mao is thought to have brainwashed his followers by implementing his plans for China’s future. Today’s official media sites and school textbooks contain the self-created legacy of Mao, which reminds readers about his contributions to the development and growth of China. Mao’s struggle for freedom is still remembered by the government, as well as his policies, which are used as a reference in the current digital age (Dittmer 1980).


  • memphisgarrett

    Memphis Garrett is an education blogger who writes about ways to help students excel in school and have fun while doing it. He has a degree in English from the University of Memphis and is currently pursuing his masters in education from Southern Methodist University.